
Link to prototype
  • User Research
  • User Interviews
  • Journey Mapping
  • Sketching
  • Wireframing
  • Screen Flows
  • Visual Design
  • Mobile app
  • Smart collar
  • YEAR
  • 2018
  • TEAM
  • Jaime Yoon
  • Mihyun Kim
  • Parth Patel
  • Prachi Shah

    "Will your pet be safe if a natural disaster strikes or in case of emergency?"

    Many people think of pets as family members and worry when pets are alone at home in the event of an emergency or a natural disaster. About 40,000 pets die in residential fires each year, most from smoke inhalation, and 500,000 pets are affected overall. How to save pets in the emergency when you are away from the house? If your home is on fire and you can not go home soon, how should you get your pet?


    Based upon data from in-person interviews, surveys, I organized my observations and categorized them using an affinity map. They think their pets as a family member and willing to take a risk to save their pets in case of emergency, also not only their pets but also would to like save the neighbor’s pet. Pet owners worry about their pet threaten by house fire or gas leak. According to information, We can narrow down features that need most.

  • 1. REAL-TIME
  • Pet owner can check the pet’s condition such as movements, temperature, heart rate and unusual activities via indoor cameras. Even if user don’t have a camera, they still can check their status through smart collar.
  • Pet owner gets notification if the smart collar detect unusual activities on their pet. And also send a message or call to someone from contact list, it could be a pet walker or their friends and family member. In situations where the user cannot be reached, the preset message is sent directly to the contact.
  • Create new community for pet owners, pet rescue facilities, pet hospitals, family and friends.

    Key Findings through survey and interviews
    * Interview method: Google form survey & In-person interview

  • - Emergency
  • - Contact List
  • - Pet’s Health Status
  • - Safety

    Primary Target

    Pet Owners
    Secondary Target

    Pet Walkers(Sitters)

    Maria Batson

    City: SF

    Age: 27 Occupation: Product manager Status: Single


    Maria lives in SF by herself. She is a product manager and because of her work schedule and work pressure she doesn’t stay at home much. She works late and usually gets home by 10 p.m but due to the project deadline she has to be at work even are late. She has a dog named Jack. The dog she owns is a two year old corgi. She doesn't spend too much time home seeing her dog. Maria lives near mid-Market in a one bedroom apartment. There had been a fire in her neighbourhood and she is now scared of her dog being involved in such a emergency even when she has a part time dog sitter.


    -To observe her pet in real time whenever she wants or in emergency situation

    -Track Jack’s health condition


    -She does not sure that Jack has enough exercise

    -She is too busy to take care of her dog well nowadays

    Jacob Davis

    City: SF

    Age: 25 Occupation: Architecture student Status: Single


    Jacob studies architecture design in San Francisco and also works as an intern. He has a dog and loves to spend time with him. Jacob and Bobby have been together for 10 years. Jacob has very less time on weekdays to spend with his pet as he has college and works both to attend. He uses Petguard app for a few months and keeps track of his dog bobby through it. He gets home usually by 9.00 pm and makes sure he plays with his dog before he goes to bed. He has to leave for work early in the morning.


    -To keep Bobby safe in any kind of danger situation

    -Ask for help if he can’t reach bobby in time


    -Bobby is old and can’t run very fast for escape

    -His busy schedule during weekdays

    Based upon data from in-person interviews, surveys, I organized my observations and categorized them using an affinity map. They think their pets as a family member and willing to take a risk to save their pets in case of emergency, also not only their pets but also would to like save the neighbor’s pet. Pet owners worry about their pet threaten by house fire or gas leak. According to information, We can narrow down features that need most.


    The user journey can tell how pet owners are interacting with the services or products they are currently using. And it help us find when and what our services and products are needed to our target audiences.


    Continuous monitoring pet’s status and notify to pet owner or contact list who added by owner

    Health: Temperature of pet, Blood pressure, heart rate
    Activity level: Steps, Respiration
    Safety level: Gas leakage, temperature in home

    - Pet owner
    - Pet sitter
    - Favorite contact
    - Preset message
    ( send help directly)

    - Make a phone call
    - Send a message

    - Movements
    - Body temperature
    - Heart rate


    Low to High Fidelity wireframes based on the user testing.

    Click to see more details



    Registration and add new contact

    Task: Pet owner succssefully register smart collar with QR code
    and add new contact
    Result: Maria can check her pet anytime, anywhere with smart collar

    Link to prototype

    Pet owner send get notification and send a message to contact

    Task: Pet owner succssefully send a message to her pet walker
    Result: Maria can track her pet's status and get notification when the PetGuard detects unusual activities on her dog

    Link to prototype

    Get notification and go to the pet

    Task: Pet walker succssefully get notification and get direction to save pet
    Result: Pet walker and pet owner keep communicate and save pet

    Link to prototype



    Based on the user testing and style guide, designed and refined key screens


    Through this team project, I’ve learned a lot in various ways. It was challenging to unite the four opinions into one design. However, from the research to the final design, the app was almost completed in a very short amount of time. It was challenging but also exciting and good exercise that listen to others’ opinions. For the project, I can develop more on in details such as how to connect with each home cameras and how to increase awareness about pet’s safety.
    Check out this 8 weeks case study in my personal Medium

    Articles De, Gruyter “What happens to pets after a natural disaster?”, SEPTEMBER 12, 2017, Pet Disaster Preparedness & Recovery
    Charles on Unsplash
    Matt Nelson on Unsplash