
  • Website development
  • UI Design
  • Photography
  • Development
  • - Firebase as Backend
  • - Google Cloud Storage as Webserver
  • - Github as source control system
  • YEAR
  • 2018
  • TEAM
  • Jaime Yoon
  • Mingyang Li
  • Leon Heng

    "Discover what users need - Especially young children!"

    1. Growing gifting culture and increasing demand for customized, personalized gifts.
    2. Toy market needs to know what kids want and make a connection to them.
    3. Give options to children and their parents to create their own toy.
    4. Customize toy cars for fun and get a real toy for them.
    5. Toy company can gather all the information through application.


  • Customize
  • 1. Color the light, body of the car
    2. Resizable : Body, Wheels
    3. Customize patterns
    4. Add stickers, texts
  • Fun game
  • 1. Racing game with customized toy car
    2. Collect all customized car to own garage
    (User account)
  • Make a payment
  • Purchase their own toy car


    Simple mockups for mobile app, mobile first then design the website


    I've researched a code library for customizing colors with images. To do that, I needed a picture of a toy car shot all at 360 degrees. Fortunately, my son has tons of toy cars. I saved and grouped all the images in Google firebase as a database and added descriptions and information for each toy. Finally, we couldn't completely select a specific area of ​​the toy car, but the code library allowed the toy image to change color using a color picker.